
U.S. Southern Command Headquarters

About the Project

The U.S. Southern Command Headquarters is configured and optimized to enable effective command/control of Joint-Coalition-Interagency Operations, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and several other Federal agencies, with state-of-the-art information technology and telecommunications systems. The facility allows the Southern Command to combine forces, formerly spread throughout nine different facilities in the Doral area, into a single campus housing approximately 2,800 persons.


The main facility is a four-story Headquarters building housing approximately 440,000 SF of new offices, a command suite for the acting commander, a, 18,000 SF Tier II data center, and over 30 conference rooms, some of which are in a bridge arrangement overlooking a command center. Additional buildings include the Conference Center of the Americas with a large auditorium and additional conference rooms, and a 160,000 SF Services Building housing a new child development center, a health and medical center, and a fitness center. The northern portion of the Services Building houses warehouse facilities, loading docks, and the central utility plant for the entire campus.


Îçҹ̽»¨Íø provided Operation and Maintenance (O&M) services for the 640,000 SF U.S. Southern Command Headquarters (SOUTHCOM). Îçҹ̽»¨Íø provided the installation and commissioning of all of the mechanical and electrical systems for this classified military facility.  Îçҹ̽»¨Íø provided a Transition to Stabilized Occupancy (TSO) program, including managing the procurement and installation of all office equipment and furnishings. The Îçҹ̽»¨Íø Team provided comprehensive Operation & Maintenance services for the SOUTHCOM facility.

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